Tuesday, 6 November 2007

'Memento': Opening Sequence

OPENING- 0:00-2:26

I thought the opening sequence of ‘Memento’ was very clever and unique. It began with a Polaroid which throughout the opening sequence fades out. Although the filming is obviously reversed, at this point it is not obvious and looks very unique. The fading of the Polariod is an enigmatic code which makes the audience anticipate that the storyline is also linked to something fading or a forgotten event. Throughout the film the audience is therefore more satisfied when they find out that the main character has a short term memory loss since an accident. Althought the fading is very enigmatic, it is also a connotation of the main character's loss of memory.-Therefore a key theme is highlighted in the opening, which is conventional.

I find the stillness of the opening 2 minutes really successful as the lack of movement creates so much suspense whilst the stillness connotes an eerie and lonely situation. There are so many enigma codes in this opening, it makes the audience asks questions such as; who was murdered in the polariod? why were they murdered? why is there a tattoo on this character's hand? where is this character?- why is he there? etc.

The credits fade in and out during the fading of the polariod. Althought this action code is very enigmatic, the stillness allows the audience to read the credits without missing any of the viewing experience, therefore the viewer is fully satisfied as they are able to understand and take in everything given to them. The fading of the credits alos reinforces the theme of short term memory loss in the film.

After this moment the credits stop and the action becomes the focal point. This is important as narrative is revealed from the action codes. We see a who the main character is and who he has killed, but we still do not know who the victim is and why they were killed.-This is important as the audience are still interested. Generic signifiers are also revealed such as; blood, bulletshells, gun, dark lighting, a dead body, half shadowed face (to show an evil side), confined room, photos/polariods and camera, shouting, gunshots.

There is music/a non-deigetic sound in this opening. Only string instruments are used during this opening as a slow drone, which connotes suspense and eerieness yet passion. At the end of the opening sequence there is a greater sense of realism and involvement in the action as this music is backgrounded and the diegetic sounds such as gunshots and shouting are loudest(foregrounded). I think the instruments and sounds really help build up tension and i think using sounds of the same effect would make my thriller opening more successful.

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